Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RANT: Star Wars books


I’ve been reading star wars books since they first came out and have overall enjoyed them. There were some dry spots in the 90’s, towards the later parts, but the New jedi Order really was (in some spots) good. I went back and bought all the old books I missed, really cheap at the used book stores, and full price paperbacks when I couldn’t find those. To keep up I started buying some of the NJO and then Legacy of the Force series in hardcover thinking those were a rare event for me to buy those.

Well, LOF was kind of a let down, I mean another jedi (anakin’s grandson no less) turning to the dark side. Big surprise. Why? Anyways. My rant is that the series was more or less supposed to stop and let the Legacy Comic series take over for a time.

Well then comes Fate of the Jedi. These books have great cover art, but seem kinda short on content. the first three books came out really quickly, but they ARE ALL IN HARD COVER!!!! WHY???? Not just this series, but even stand alone novels like Matthew Stover’s and Luceno’s new books are 2. In the last year, maybe 8-9 star wars books came out (that’s already a lot) but they are all HC! How can anyone afford that?

This has helped me realize that however fund SW is, it is really just a vehicle to make more and more money for whoever is making money on it. I love Star Wars, but can we 1) stop making every flippin book a hard cover? 2) can we just end the series at some point? Or at least can we have like a 2 year hiatus on Star Wars? The market is flooded with SW books and I will never catch up!

Now I understand why lucas says the 6 movies are all there is. It’s a lot easier and cheaper!

And don’t get me started on Death Troopers! OK, I started. Zombies. In SW. OK. Not only was this done once in the Galaxy of Fear series, but of course one of the “big three” gets pulled along for the ride. If SW novels must persist, can’t we get some original characters and storylines? Why not someone not involved with the big three, something like Peter David’s New Frontier Star Trek series?

Any way, that’s all I got.

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